Saturday, March 9, 2013

What we Learned

This trip was amazing it has so many cool things that came out of it. For instance all the fun things with the games and going around seeing the scenery. The things that we learned were also extensive for example bears don't hibernate, ASCAR, and many other things that would not be known before. Before we realized it was over we were all having fun getting to know each other better and trying new things.

Most of the things we learned are hard to summarize but were very cool like ASCAR, A is for Alpine which are the plants up at the tops of the mountains that don't need  much water at all, S is for Sagebrush is usually in a sage flat that gets lots of sun and doesn't need that much water, C is for Conifer which is the pine trees that need some water but don't like a lot of sun. A number 2 is for Aspen which is the aspen trees that need about the same amount of water as the conifers but they love sun and they live longer. R is for Riparian which need the most water and usually live on the bank of the rivers like willows and cottonwoods.
That is just one small thing we learned yet is very detailed and has to do with alot of things

By Jackson Merrill

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